October4design in Connecticut is a month-long celebration of architecture, art, design and the community where it happens–New Caanan. Organized by the New Canaan Museum & Historical Society, members of New Canaan’s diverse creative community will host a mix of ticketed and free panel discussions, tours and lectures. Topics include the Eliot Noyes, Landis Gores, Marcel Breuer, the Bauhaus and more.
Pop over to the October Events page for more details or use these links:
October 1: Landis Gores, Growing up Modern
October 2: Keep it Modern: A Talk by Bob Gregson
October 2: Reception at Noyes ll House
October 5: Eliot Noyes Family Legacy of Design
October 17: Modern New Canaan: Evolution of Design + Three Iconic Houses
October 24: Hotel Marcel Lecture and Hard Hat Tour in New Haven, CT
October 26: Bauhaus 1919-1933: Origins and Evolution