News July 2023

Copelec Building. Borchers, Bermejo and Suárez. 1961-1966. Photo: Andrés Téllez
Antumalal Hotel. Jorge Elton, Miguel Eyquem, 1948-1952. Photo: Andrés Téllez

Call For Sessions: Docomomo International Conference Chile 2024

July 26, 2023

The 18th Docomomo International Conference take place in Santiago, Chile,December 10–14, 2024, with the overarching theme “Modern Futures: Sustainable development and cultural diversity.” A call for sessions is open through September 1, 2023, followed by a call for papers opening September 30.

The submission of session proposals in a comparative and interdisciplinary way will be greatly encouraged. In order to open up opportunities of discussion of Modern Movement architecture, its conservation in relation to sustainable design, from comprehensive and extended fields of knowledge and points of view, proposal submissions dealing with the following sub-themes are encouraged:

  1. Landscapes and territories of the modern movement
    New purposes for obsolete infrastructure, relationship with nature, mining, geographies
  2. Better Cities
    Modern towns, intermediate cities, urban design
  3. Public spaces and urban complexes
    Housing, urban nature culture, ecological approaches, community recreation and leisure
  4. Education and design
    Modern values and adaptive reuse, didactics, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches
  5. Buildings
    Ordinary heritage, masterpieces reconsidered
  6. Modern Interiors conservation and everyday life
    Adaptivity, furniture, crafts and industrial design
  7. Earthquakes and Sustainable technologies
    Material and modern architecture, concrete, glass, wood
  8. Modernity and Diversity
    Activism, community participation, gender, cultural legitimacy, geographical approaches, other modernisms
  9. Theories and Histories for conservation and sustainability
    Narratives, archives, curatorial practices, exhibitions
  10. New generations for modern futures
    Generational studies, social entrepreneurship, innovation, changemakers, critical thinkers, new media, social networks, commons

Session proposals will be selected by the Scientific Committee based on merit and the need to have a well-balanced program according to the following criteria: relevance, novelty/innovation, scientific quality, structure, and organization of the session.


For full details on submitting a session, visit the Docomomo International conference page

“Call For Sessions,” Docomomo International.