The Met presents the first-ever major museum exhibition to examine the career of Paul Rudolph and his important contributions to architecture. The presentation features a diverse range of over 80 artifacts including drawings, models, furniture, material samples, and photographs. DOCOMOMO US/New York Tri-State will host a private exhibition tour with curator Abraham Thomas on November 20.
Visit the James Rose Center for a unique opportunity within the home. This lecture explores the origins and evolution of Rose’s design concepts from his student years in the 1930s until his passing in 1991, specifically how they led to the design and evolution of what is likely his most significant work: his own home in Ridgewood, NJ.
As part of Architecture and Design Film Festival NY, DOCOMOMO US/NY Tri-State and the AIANY Historic Buildings Committee are sponsoring the screening of New England Modernism: Revolutionary Architecture in the 20th Century, a film by Jake Gorst and Tracey Rennie Gorst.
Join Docomomo US for a gala and benefit celebrating Docomomo US founding president Theodore Prudon, FAIA, FAPT, and the launch of the Theodore Prudon Fund for Preservation Education of Docomomo US.
The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy’s Wright Virtual Visits online event series will take you to the Pope-Leighey House, a 1939 Usonian house in Mount Vernon, VA.
Join writer and Glass House educator Gwen North Reiss for an in person talk about her recent book, New Canaan Modern: A Preservation History.