News March 2021

Refreshed logo. New website.

March 5, 2021

We launched our first website in 2010. It’s hard to imagine how we managed the 10 years prior to that without one. The site’s reason for being is to share news and events announcements with anyone who has architecture and design of the Modern movement high on their interests list. Particularly as manifested in the Tri-State region.

While we didn’t fundamentally change the content presented on the site, we improved to its delivery:

• it’s now mobile friendly

• a selection of news and event content is highlighted on the homepage

• image display will be much larger going forward and the font size a comfortable read

We also used this opportunity to:

• refresh our chapter’s logo, bringing it more in line with the recently introduced graphic standards of Docomomo US

• add a column of short, light news items to the homepage

• revamp the “Advocacy” pages, which will return bigger and better soon.

This new site was a project of board member Kathleen Randall and independent web developer Billy Fowks—who were also behind that 2010 site, now retired.

Please send your feedback—the good, the bad or the it’s broken—to